80 Million B2B REcords + 200 Million Global Businesses






$40,000 TO Build

Revenue Expectations

If you can sell you should be able to earn $60,000 to $100,000 in your first year. Every company is looking for more leads and if the economy continues to deteriorate then this business will see exponential growth as businesses will need to buy data or die. 

With so many different ways to monetize this platform you'll be able to provide solutions for any business who wants data.

Who Should Buy This...

The ideal buyer for this business is an individual with a strong background in sales and realizes there are multiple ways data can be used and monetized.

All data is pretty much the same. From Experian Data to Data-Axle, the contact records are all the same. It's how you package and price it will determine your success. 

The Platform allows you to sell the data in many ways from multiple access options to API feeds directly into their CRM you'll be able to offer every company and buyer a specific option for exactly what they want.

How You'll Make Money

  • Subscription-based Access: Sell tiered subscription plans for businesses wanting access to your database or APIs.
  • Custom Data Services: Offer bespoke data services for clients who need tailored datasets, reports, or deep insights. 
  • Lead Generation Services: Sell leads directly to businesses in need of accurate and up-to-date contact information.
  • API Access Fees: Charge businesses for API access to the platform.
  • Offer Data-as-a-Service (DaaS): Monetize the platform by creating subscription-based access to the data. Allow businesses to access specific datasets or APIs, generating recurring revenue.
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